Beat the Hero

15 mei 2011

Trying to return to my blog.

Dear readers,
(I still have one follower at the very moment, my own girlfriend, but I must act if I have thousands of followers)

I've failed myself once again. I'm totally undisciplined, my previous post dates back to last year.
Anyways, a lot has happened:
- Got a new band, Entombed Scars (metalcore, deathcore).
- Girlfriend is gone to America to study for 2 months.
- My computerscreen is dying as we speak/type.
- I f*cked up my wrist last thursday, I can play the drums again at the end of the week.
- I got declined again at, what supposed to be, my study. Being nervous killed my audition.
- I bought my very first, uncomplete, secondhand drum kit.

I suddenly felt like keeping my blog and drum diary up-to-date again, so here we are!

Tomorrow evening, I'm giving my first drum lesson! Dunno yet how old the kid is, probably not older than 15 and no experience, so this will be very interesting!

I've also given a workshop, today is the last day (it spreads out over 4 days, 1 per week). I learned SO MUCH from it! Especially because the workshop was given at a school for autistics.

Homework: various beats in 7/8 and 9/8 measures. Aweful for the brain, delightful for the ear.
Worked the 7/8 beats out, 9/8 is waiting for my wrist to heal!

I'll keep this blog-thingy up,


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